My mother, Stephanie, was a free spirit. She was remembered by everyone she met. Whether the impression she left was good or not, she was unforgettable. She had an eclectic taste in everything – clothes, people, furnishings, pets… Stephanie fancied herself to be a gypsy, and artist, a poet, and a good hostess. I still have many paintings of hers in my home. She hated her photo being taken because she liked to leave her mark in other ways. She loved to talk! And smoke! And drink coffee! She was a wild one! Had she lived to see her three grandsons, they would have had quite the adventures with her. She loved a good adventure, juicy gossip, and scruffy men. She was buried in a wild garden – which since her death has been redone. Very “Stephanie,” as she never stayed in one place too long.
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